zinc supplements

Zinc supplements

Zinc is an important mineral that serves many vital purposes in the body. Approximately one hundred enzymes rely on the presence of zinc to be able to effectively perform their specialized tasks within the body.

As with most nutrients and minerals, zinc is often ignored by the average person however, it is an essential mineral that plays many roles in promoting the healthy functioning of the body. Its importance to the body’s well-being goes far back as the earliest moments of growth and development and is serves a highly important role in maintaining a healthy way of life. And as like with the other nutrients and vitamins that the body needs in order for it to stay in tip, top shape, there are recommended amounts of zinc that each and every person should be able to maintain daily. Refusal to do so can actually cause all sorts of complications with one’s health while taking in excessive amounts of zinc can still prove to be quite detrimental to a person’s well-being.
Zinc is an important mineral that serves many vital purposes in the body. Approximately one hundred enzymes rely on the presence of zinc to be able to effectively perform their specialized tasks within the body. Zinc has a significant role in the process of physical growth of babies developing in the womb as well as for the growth of both children and teenagers. Zinc is necessary to the mixture of DNA and also helps to keep the senses of taste and smell to actually function properly. It helps the body to develop a stronger immune system and while the lack of it makes a person weak and definitely more prone to illnesses. Deficiencies in zinc can show a wide variety of symptoms concerning both physical and mental processes. Among the most common are the growth stunt of babies even while they’re still in their mother’s womb, as well as the slow down of growth in older children. The lack of zinc can get in the way of the development of the reproductive organs, as well as interfere with reproductive functions and processes. It can even lead to impotence. Chronic diarrhea, poor appetite and significant weight loss of the unhealthy and undesirable sort, hair loss and the slow healing of wounds are all associated with zinc deficiencies. As well as open sores on the skin and in the mouth, strange tastes in the mouth and the inability to think faster as well as other mental incapability are all caused by a serious lack in the daily intake of zinc.. It is highly important to always keep in mind the various functions of each and every vitamin, nutrient and mineral that our body needs. Sufficient knowledge about our body’s needs will help us further understand and take seriously the need to start being conscious of our health. A growing number of people actually rely on nutritional supplements to help them balance out the amount of vitamins and minerals that they need in a day since we’re not sure if the food that we eat actually contains enough of these nutrients already. Those who opted to go for a vegetarian lifestyle must be especially careful about monitoring the zinc levels in their day-to-day nutrition. A dietary supplement containing zinc may be their best option to keeping their zinc levels right where they should be as it is more difficult to obtain all the necessary zinc from plant sources only. This is especially important for children that are being raised under the vegetarian lifestyle, as zinc plays an important role to normal growth and puberty. A person opting to go for the vegetarian lifestyle, for whatever reasons that he or she may have need not sacrifice these beliefs anymore by actually just taking in nutrition supplements to help balance out their daily dietary needs.

Zinc needs to get the rightful recognition that it deserves due to the highly important role that it plays in the overall health of a person. For those concerned about their daily zinc intake and is not sure about whether they’re getting enough of it daily, a dietary supplement containing the proper dosage of zinc is definitely the right choice.

weight loss

Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about Vitamins, please go to: http://vitamins.besthealthlink.net/

Calcium Supplement

The Importance of taking a Calcium Supplement

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and also an important supplement to take. Calcium is needed to form bones and teeth and is also required for blood clotting, transmission of signals in nerve cells, and muscle contraction. The importance of calcium for preventing osteoporosis, however, is probably its most well-known role.

While anyone can benefit from taking a calcium supplement, it's a MUST for those that rarely consume dairy products, especially women because of the threat of osteoporosis. It seems that few people realize how important calcium is to their body, but if you consider the fact that it's needed for healthy bones, that in itself is a strong argument to make sure you're getting enough calcium daily. What's the adequate daily intake of calcium? 1,000-1,200 mg daily.

So how do you choose a calcium supplement. A form of calcium has recently emerged called coral calcium. It's a natural form of calcium derived from Okinawa marine coral. The amazing thing about coral calcium is that it naturally contains calcium and magnesium in a 2:1 ratio. This biologically perfect ratio gives your body a perfect pH balance while supplying the basic ingredients for the rejuvenation of the body.

Since most of the body is comprised of water our pH level has a direct effect on all body chemistry. An imbalanced pH describes the pH level of the body when it is too acidic or too alkaline for long period of time. Scientific studies have shown that for a body to be healthy it must have a balanced alkaline system. They found acidic systems are highly susceptible to degenerative diseases including Cardiovascular Disease (the #1 killer in the U.S.), Cancer (#2 killer in the U.S.), and Diabetes, as well as systemic weight loss.

I highly recommend you take a look at your eating habits and do a careful evalution of how much calcium you are getting daily. It's crucial you're intaking between 1,000 and 1,200 mg daily. Most likely you will need to supplement your diet with a calcium supplement. Coral calcium is proving to be a dominant calcium supplement, but if you'd rather go with a regular calcium supplment, calcium citrate is the form to take.

weight loss

Ryan Cote'
Looking for a quality coral calcium supplement? Find what you're looking for at http://www.simplehealth123.com.

Serious Risk of Nutritional

You May Be At Serious Risk If You Use Certain Nutritional Su

Studies have shown that the vast majority of women take some form of supplements every day. Even if you are one of the rare few one doesn't, you probably have a loved one who does and could benefit from your simply forwarding this message.

Now, the problem is not that women are taking supplements.

In fact, in this day and age, with the proven decline in the nutritional value of mass commercialized foods, including even fruits and vegetables, proper supplementation is vital for maintaining a healthy, vibrant, and energetic lifestyle.

One of the mistakes people tend to make (and it's an understandable one) is that if a supplement is a "brand name" then it must be high quality.

Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. A lot of questions surround Coral Calcium in particular, which by itself, is an excellent supplement for a variety of reasons.

Some of its benefits include; maintaining healthy bones and teeth, staving off osteoporosis, the proper functioning of the heart, and helping nutrients properly disperse throughout the body, to where they are needed.

The problem, however, is that both government and private organizations have shown that you only have a 1 in 5 chance of actually buying a product that has the amount of ingredients stated on the label, or one that does not contain contaminants.

Shocking, isn't it?

You may have heard of Coral Calcium and Robert Barefoot.

Many suppliers of Coral Calcium use his image, name, and all claim to sell his "special," "approved" formula. This is nonsense because all of them have different formulas, and often use different grade Coral Calcium.

One of the best known and biggest sellers of these brands is called "Coral Calcium Supreme," which many women reportedly use.

Again, women assume that because it's a brand name (and therefore costs a lot) it must be good.

But you have to be cautious and know that Barefoot's name on a product in itself doesn't amount to much of anything, except a higher price tag, and certainly doesn't speak to quality.

consumerlabs.com, a private company whose mission is to independently test various supplements to see if they have what they contain, came back with this shocking conclusion, and to quote:

"ConsumerLab.com reported today that 20% of the calcium supplements it recently evaluated failed testing. One of those that failed is the much hyped Coral Calcium "Supreme" which, coincidentally, was also the subject of government action today for false advertising.

Reasons for products failing the Calcium Review included excessive lead, too little calcium, and inability to fully break down (needed for absorption)."


Lead is a well known toxin that can lead to neurological dysfunction and damage. And wouldn't you be angry to find out, even if it not contaminated, it didn't have the amount of ingredients that you PAID for?

So, why do many supplement companies do this? Coral Calcium "Supreme" is certainly not the exception, but the rule.

Well, for one thing, it's much cheaper for them if they don't have to subject their products to a rigorous manufacturing process that ensures there are no contaminants. They also do not adhere to a certificate of analysis that shows their products actually contain the amount of ingredients stated on the label.

They're hoping that, you, the consumer, is never the wiser. In short, cheaper product manufacturing means more money in the pocket for them.

All, nutritional supplements are supposed to enhance your health, NOT impair it.

The bottom line is: whatever products you take, you should investigate very carefully the company that manufactures them.

This is also why I feel so strongly about recommending certain natural products from a company in New Zealand.

The whole company's history and mission was founded on producing an honest line of supplements, under the most rigorous manufacturing requirements in the world, far exceeding U.S. FDA standards.

They subject their Coral Calcium with Phytonutrients product, for example, to not only the most stringent manufacturing requirements, but also provide a certificate of analysis for each batch produced, which means it is independently tested to be free of contaminants and have what is stated on the label.

I've only received positive feedback from women who use this coral calcium product, and I can confidently recommend them in the highest regard.

You may like to check out the company's history, facts, and mission. I think you will realize, as I did, what an exception to the rule they are when it comes to nutritional supplements.

weight loss

visit: http://www.womens-health-fitness.com/coral-calcium.html
Phil Beckett is the President & C.E.O of Physique Concepts Inc. and is the author of 3 very popular and successful health & fitness books and designs customized general health, weight loss, flexibility and cardiovascular exercise programs for women.

Supplements (part 2)

Supplements (part 2)

Vitamin C – one of the main antioxidants, this invaluable vitamin is found in Strawberries (has the highest concentration), most other fruits, and citrus. I recommend for you to use Vitamin C supplementation while on the Weight Loss By The Numbers Plan. Remember, we are trying to reduce sugar for a while.
Your immune system cannot function without it and it is integral in the nervous systems ability to communicate messages since you have to have it to build and repair connective tissues. In other words, without sugar you couldn’t even bat an eyelash! The Vitamin C will continue to provide the body with the necessary sugar it needs.
Deficiency – let’s put it this way – heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and fatigue. Many different infections also occur, including herpes and yeast. An interesting correlation for vitamin C deficiency and obesity if that most men and women in this category fight yeast infections in one for or another.

Vitamin D – found in milk (fortified) sunlight, some shellfish, and supplements.
Deficiency – rickets, seasonal (winter) depression, skin and liver problems.

Vitamin E – Another main antioxidant, found in asparagus, nuts, cherries, and wheat.
Deficiency – Smokers and overweight people are almost always deficient in vitamin E. Asthma, cancer, heart disease, cataracts, muscle soreness, yeast infections (again). Stress appears to quickly deplete the body’s vitamin E.
Now you know vitamins, especially vitamin C will accelerate your weight loss. I am going to recommend a good supplemental vitamin. This is a huge key to permanent weight loss and good health.
They don’t have to cost a fortune. MegaWomens and MegaMens available at GNC stores and online are the best for effectiveness, dosage, and price.

Calcium – Most people already understand the role that calcium plays in strong bones and good overall health. You have to have it. Recent studies have also shown that calcium helps you to lose weight, particularly in the abdominal region.
I have to admit that I had already figured this out on my own when going through my personal trail and error with weight loss. Science is now backing it up. Adding calcium rich foods to your diet will help you stay healthy and lose the belly fat.
Here is the best part; almost all calcium rich foods are low in carbohydrates! This makes the dairy isle very attractive
to those of us on the Weight Loss By The Numbers Plan.
I know what you are probably thinking. You have heard that sour cream, butter, cream cheese, and even milk are very fattening. While on the plan, you will further understand why eating these foods will help you lose weight.
You will also understand why including them in your diet versus high sugar producing food will make a faster difference in how you look and feel.

weight loss

Supplements (part 1)

Supplements that Do Work (part 1)

Vitamins. You have had at your disposal all along some things that will help to aid you weight loss. If you are not on supplemental vitamins you need to start now.
One of the positives to come out of the Atkins Diet study gives results for folks who took 1000+ daily doses of vitamin C as compared to those on his diet that did not take the vitamin C. Those who did lost significantly more weight. Upwards of 10 additional pounds!
Here is a rundown of the main vitamins and what a deficiency does to the body. Many actually contribute to obesity. This is a short list.

Vitamin A – found in fruits such as Apricots, vegetables like Broccoli, and almost ALL red vegetables and fruits. Highest concentrations can be found in Tomatoes and Sweet Potatoes.
Deficiency can lead to gum disease, gastro intestinal issues, and skin problems.

Vitamin B6 – found in leafy greens like lettuce (except iceberg), poultry, sweet potatoes, figs, and red meats. Deficiency can lead to depression that can contribute to
overeating and obesity, migraines, and negative effects of stress.

Vitamin B12 – found in red meat, poultry, seafood, and sea plants such as kelp and sea weed. Studies have indicated a common deficiency of this energy in overweight people.
Deficiency has been linked to mental illness and depression as well as Alzheimer’s. Poor memory is also an indication of a deficiency in this important vitamin.

weight loss


supplements in the market

I will tell you that we have had many cases where folks we have been able to help had taken Hydroxycut, Stackers
1 and 2, and Xenadrine EFX without much success.
I have tried those and several others, but as I said the ingredients are mostly the same except for their “signature” ingredients such as Hydroxy-tea in the aforementioned Hydroxycut and Thermodyne Complex in Xenadrine EFX. These are touted as proprietary fat burners and metabolism enhancers.
The primary ingredient responsible for the energy you get is caffeine. Yes – that’s right plain old caffeine! The other hodge-podge of herbs and ingredients are supposedly combined for a “synergistic” fat burning process in your body.
So, tell me what’s worth to you to get the little pep you need, that extra energy? A $40.00 bottle of pills or a 10-cent cup of coffee? Even the popular Green Tea that is now being used by all sorts of people is simply just caffeine.
The truth is when I first tried the supplements they contained ephedra and folks – it worked. I lost weight. I used the Stacker brand.
Again same basic ingredients and I lost about 3 pounds a week. Ephedra is a very strong stimulant and blood thinner.
Like the amphetamine weight loss supplements of the 1970’s it speeds up your metabolism and eases hunger pangs. As ephedra became more popular there were increasing reports of strokes and heart failure incidents.
I never had a problem with it and I expect all the fuss about
it is that some people (as usual) abused it and that is the main reason for all the controversy. In any case – it is out of the mix of ingredients in these supplements now.
With the main ingredient that was effective now absent, they are just not as effective. Save your money – opt for the Coffee!

weight loss