Supplements (part 1)

Supplements that Do Work (part 1)

Vitamins. You have had at your disposal all along some things that will help to aid you weight loss. If you are not on supplemental vitamins you need to start now.
One of the positives to come out of the Atkins Diet study gives results for folks who took 1000+ daily doses of vitamin C as compared to those on his diet that did not take the vitamin C. Those who did lost significantly more weight. Upwards of 10 additional pounds!
Here is a rundown of the main vitamins and what a deficiency does to the body. Many actually contribute to obesity. This is a short list.

Vitamin A – found in fruits such as Apricots, vegetables like Broccoli, and almost ALL red vegetables and fruits. Highest concentrations can be found in Tomatoes and Sweet Potatoes.
Deficiency can lead to gum disease, gastro intestinal issues, and skin problems.

Vitamin B6 – found in leafy greens like lettuce (except iceberg), poultry, sweet potatoes, figs, and red meats. Deficiency can lead to depression that can contribute to
overeating and obesity, migraines, and negative effects of stress.

Vitamin B12 – found in red meat, poultry, seafood, and sea plants such as kelp and sea weed. Studies have indicated a common deficiency of this energy in overweight people.
Deficiency has been linked to mental illness and depression as well as Alzheimer’s. Poor memory is also an indication of a deficiency in this important vitamin.

weight loss

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